How long do cluster eyelashes last? Durability analysis of the new favorite in the beauty industry

How long do cluster eyelashes last

cluster eyelashes

In recent years, cluster eyelashes have quickly become popular in the beauty industry and have become the first choice for many beauty lovers. This eyelash method can not only quickly enhance the charm of the eyes, but also save time for daily makeup. So, how long can cluster eyelashes last? What are the factors that affect their durability? This article will analyze it in detail for you.


Basic concept of cluster eyelashes


Cluster eyelashes are a small bundle of eyelashes that glue multiple false eyelashes together. Professional eyelash technicians attach them to the roots of natural eyelashes to achieve a thick and curled effect. Compared with traditional single eyelash inoculation, cluster eyelashes have a shorter operation time and more significant effects.


Durability of cluster eyelashes


Generally speaking, the durability of cluster eyelashes is 2 to 4 weeks, but the specific durability is affected by many factors:


1. Personal care: Daily care has a great impact on the durability of cluster eyelashes. Avoid frequent touching and rubbing of the eyes, and use gentle makeup removers to help extend the life of eyelashes.


2. The quality of eyelash glue: high-quality eyelash glue has strong adhesion, is water-resistant and oil-resistant, and can effectively extend the durability of clustered eyelashes. Choosing professional brand glue can significantly improve the stability of eyelashes.


3. The growth cycle of natural eyelashes: people's natural eyelashes have their own growth cycle, which is about 4 to 6 weeks. When natural eyelashes enter the shedding period, the clustered eyelashes attached to them will also fall off.


4. Living habits: people who like swimming, sauna and other activities may have a reduced durability of clustered eyelashes due to frequent contact with water and high temperature environment. In addition, avoiding the face-down posture when sleeping can also reduce the friction and shedding of eyelashes.


Tips to extend the durability of clustered eyelashes


1. Regular eyelash filling: fill the eyelashes once every 1 to 2 weeks to fill the fallen parts in time and maintain the overall thick effect.


2. Avoid oily products: Oily makeup removers and skin care products can easily dissolve eyelash glue. It is recommended to use water-based or oil-free formula products.


3. Gentle cleaning: When cleaning the face, avoid rubbing the eyes vigorously. It is recommended to wipe gently with a cotton pad to reduce the pulling of eyelashes.


4. Professional care: Choose an experienced eyelash artist to inoculate and ensure the professionalism and safety of the operation process, which is crucial to extend the durability of eyelashes.


With the continuous advancement of beauty technology, the durability of clustered eyelashes is expected to be further improved. The development of new eyelash glues, more scientific inoculation techniques, and personalized care plans will bring more lasting and natural eyelashes experience to beauty lovers.


In general, clustered eyelashes are becoming more and more popular as a beauty method to quickly enhance the charm of the eyes. Although its durability is generally 1 to 2 weeks, its service life can be effectively extended through reasonable care and the selection of high-quality products. For beauty lovers, understanding and mastering the care skills of clustered eyelashes will help maintain a long-lasting beauty effect.


In the future, with the advancement of technology and product innovation, the durability and comfort of clustered eyelashes will be further improved, bringing a more perfect use experience to the majority of beauty lovers.